Continuous progress since 2005
– for the benefit of our patients
The history of the European Radiosurgery Center in Munich

Unique and precise: ZAP-X premiere in Munich
The ERCM will be the first international reference site for ZAP-X in Germany – for the highly precise and efficient treatment of brain tumors.

“My Cyberknife App”: Exclusively for patients of the ERCM
This app accompanies cyberknife patients of the ERCM in detail through the entire treatment process.

We are pleased that the former head of the Cyberknife® Center at the Charité in Berlin, Dr. Markus Kufeld, supports the ERCM team with all his medical expertise. Since January 2018, patients with prostate cancer can also be treated.

The ERCM becomes the international reference site for Accuray’s Cyberknife applications. By 2017, tumors and metastases from over 7,000 patients had been treated here – in close cooperation with colleagues from the Munich University Hospital.
– Appointment to the International Reference Center of the manufacturer Accuray. – Award for quality and highest standard almost 7,000 Cyberknife treatments of tumors and metastases performed

The attending physicians at the Center’s ERCM have more than 20 years of experience in radiosurgery. This means in numbers: Over 10,000 radiosurgery treatments and about 200 publications, including on the precision, efficacy, reliability and patient comfort of cyberknife treatment.
Current indications, tumors/ metastases in head & body – Head/brain: meningiomas, metastases, acoustic neuromas, angiomas, choroidal melanomas, trigeminal neuralgias, neurinomas – Spine/spinal cord: spinal metastases, neurinomas, meningiomas – Lymph nodes: Lymph node metastases (singular) – Lung: bronchial carcinomas (stad. I/II), metastases – Liver: primary hepatocellular carcinoma, metastases – Kidney: renal cell carcinoma, urothelial carcinoma -prostate: prostate carcinoma primary (under spec. parameters), metastatic prostate carcinoma, recurrences after surgery or irradiation

- The ERCM celebrates its 10th anniversary.
- In addition, the latest cyberknife equipment is used, with a much larger range of tumors which can be treated – patients benefit from even shorter treatment times.
10th anniversary of the Cyberknife Center Munich-Großhadern.

More than 5,000 patients have benefited from the Cyberknife method at the ERCM, which can treat tumors in the craniocerebral area, in the eye, on the spine, as well as on the lungs, liver and kidneys.

The most modern Cyberknife device M6 is installed and enables much shorter treatment times.
At the ERCM, over 3,000 patients are treated with the gentle cyberknife method.
The safety and effectiveness of the Cyberknife treatment of spinal metastases after conventional prior irradiation has been scientifically proven.
New publications by the specialists from the ERCM prove: Cyberknife use is a good treatment option for patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma.
- 2,000 patients with different tumors are treated at the ERCM.
- Introduction of an online consultation via Skype to advise patients nationwide and from abroad.
- A scientific evaluation proves the safety and effectiveness of the Cyberknife treatment of pelvic tumors.
- The Cyberknife method is successfully established in neurosurgery
- The first scientific publication on frameless, radiosurgical treatment of uveal melanoma using robot technology (on 20 patients) shows that cyberknife applications increase safety and comfort for tumor patients.
- The world’s largest study in the area of spine metastases (on 107 patients) demonstrates the safe and effective treatment of spinal tumors without metal markers using Cyberknife technology.”
- In the first two years of the ERCM’s existence, more than 1,000 tumor treatments have been carried out.
- For the first time, a lung tumor is treated with dynamic real time tracking without implantation of a metal fiducial.
2005 – 2006
- Opening of the ERCM in cooperation with the University Hospital of Munich, LMU and the AOK Bavaria.
- Markerless treatment of spinal tumors is possible thanks to the Cyberknife method.
1994 – 2005
The radiosurgery experts at ERCM work with a Cyberknife precursor technology (GammaKnife, 3500 patients treated).